new book beginnings ~ db

Colour test

Pushing Off from Shore | (colour test detail) pencil & willow charcoal on vellum with acrylic, watercolour, digital


I’ve almost finished my 7th drawing – but stopped for a little bit to do a quick colour test mockup so I can get my colour process sorted. This won’t be exactly what the final illustration will look like (less gloomy, hopefully), but it’ll be the same sort of treatment.

I spent the last 4 days working on a side project collaboration with friends and that little diversion helped me figure out how to approach the colour for the book. Sometimes taking a little break is a good thing – but it’s hard getting back into the swing of drawing again. I’m on my third cup of coffee this morning – it’s a procrastination/stalling technique I employ when I’ve lost my drawing groove and am afraid to start again (I can’t draw with my hand wrapped around a mug).

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